Sunday, December 15, 2019

Being Patriotic!

     Image result for image of flag of st lucia     
This blog is designed in the form of a podcast and speaks about showing love for one's identity and nationality. The entry takes specific interest in teaching individuals, especially younger children, some of the ways in which they can be appreciative of their country, Saint Lucia. The children have seen other nations take pride and dignity in their homeland in different television shows. Hence, just as other nations do- we shall do. 

Hit the play button and enjoy!

Entry by: Jina Jonas
Podcast was completed on Friday 13th December 2019


  1. Excellent introduction and appropriate background music. Excellent job.

  2. Excellent job Jina. The music fits the title perfectly. I really like the poem. Nice work.

  3. Excellent Job Jina. I enjoyed, so much talent.

  4. Well delivered Jina. A wonderful piece well put together with suitable music and video. Good job Jina!!
    Written by: Abigail

  5. Excellent Jina !
    Great poem as well as choice of music.I did enjoy.

    Nasha John

  6. This piece made me feel proud of my country. I enjoyed listening to this podcast. The students will have fun learning it and practicing some of the ways in which they can show patriotism.

    Noelita Tench

  7. Wow! I am in awe at the level of creativity that my classmates possess.Beautifully put together! This is a fantastic poem to teach students about patriotism . I can see this being useful, particularly in helping to mold the younger minds by developing an attitude of appreciation and love for country. The musical selections and graphics also helped enhance the delivery of this piece.

  8. You did a wonderful job Jina discussing the concept patriotism. As I sat and listened to this song and poem I felt a sense of patriotism.This information is very suitable for teaching national pride and patriotism especially at the lower level. This video with no doubt will capture students interest and attention to drive home the important message about national pride and/ or patriotism. I will definitely make use of this video when teaching national pride to my grade one students. I also think that this video should be shared with all schools on the island to re-educate students about being patriotic to their beautiful island.
    Well done
    Soria Cornibert

  9. Your enthusiasm makes a major impact on your piece. You are truly patriotic and this would make students acquire the need to practice behaviors that would make them patriotic as well. Appropriate use of graphics and illustrations. The music is excellent and your podcast is grade appropriate. Way to go!

    Ryan Bicar.

  10. Hats off to you for a job well done. I see that you are very patriotic about your country Saint Lucia. I think this patriotism to our country should be instill in our students at every grade level. This video will enable me to teach my Grade k students how to be love and appreciate our beautiful island. Creativity at its best.

  11. This piece is a great way to encourage students to practice patriotism. After listening to this piece even i am encouraged to be patriotic. Good job.

    Brittney Duyplessis

  12. This piece puts me in such a mellow state of mind it's unbelievable! Well done Jina!

  13. Yes Jina, our country is ours! I love how your poem outlined the many ways by which we can show National pride and love for our country. The background music also had me hooked. Great job!

  14. "My country is Mine" Great job Jina! I enjoed every bit of this video. This poem has encouraged me to begin to be patritoic.

  15. It definitely is our country, sweet sweet St.Lucie. #Lucian758 Jin Jin. Can definitely be used in my Social Studies Lesson... Great Job

    R. Narcisse

  16. Awesome podcast Jin Jin. What a fun filled way to teach students about patriotism. Bravo!

  17. Well done Jina! You have come to the end of this LIT 102 journey. Take a bow!
