Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Day That I Almost Died 

Descriptive Piece

Below is my self-produced digital story.  In this podcast, I will be providing you with a reading of one of my pieces of writing.  This piece was written as a sample essay to be included in my writing portfolio.  I really enjoyed making this digital story, so I hope that you enjoy listening to what's in there.  


Shaquille Aldonza


  1. Oh yes!!!! Enjoyed it Shaquille especially the background music.


  2. Very creative.I enjoyed this piece. Good use of figurative devices ..

    Nasha John

  3. Very well done. I really enjoyed viewing your podcast.

  4. This is an interesting piece. I saw how it can be used when teaching the digestive system. The students will enjoy listening to eat and will surely remember the information from it. Good job.

    Noelita Tench

  5. Wow, I do not wish to be an apple! Very well done Shaquille- I was dancing to the introduction. It is an enjoyable piece for everyone to see. This is an excellent and innovative way to teach the Digestive System to the students at the primary level. I can see the boys really delving into the video. Again, job well done.

    Jina Jonas

  6. Superbly done! You had me drawn in from beginning to end. What a brilliant and creative way to learn about the Digestive System. Learning about this concept will no longer be perceived as boring and complicated by our students. Let me add that this video will come in handy when I have to teach this body system. Oh! save us the trouble and start compiling pieces for the rest of the systems. Fantastic job again!

  7. Excellently done!! I anticipated something horrific.A very interesting start and well executed podcast. A very useful piece for the classroom. Creativity at it best!!

  8. So I am here getting my funk on! It reminds me of the crazy things we have the students do to settle down before we read them a story. You know I am stealing this sorry borrowing this when I am teaching digestive system! Excellent job!

  9. You brought writing alive in the classroom! I have no doubt that students do not know your introduction song. They will be so excited to engage in the class and will not see it as a difficult task of writing instruction. Great use of illustrations, dialogues and other graphics. It really did justice to your narrative piece. I think students will want to now write their own pieces so that they can be recorded as well. Kudos to you!

    Ryan Bicar.

    Ryan Bicar.

  10. I really enjoyed listening to this piece.You did an excellent job in using illustrations to complement your piece. I will make good use of this piece in the classroom to teach my students the Digestive system.

  11. Nice piece Shaquille. This one was well delivered, I am sure that after this your students would have gotten the process of digestion. I enjoyed listening to you execute.

  12. Wow! This was awesome! You did a good job at bringing across the content in this piece. The introduction was an interesting addition to get the students attention. You are will on your way of being a great model for students to follow when writing.

    Brittney Duplessis

  13. Greate job! Its amazing how one can use a story to teach the digestive system. The students will enjoy this piece.

  14. Great job bro. Excellent use of adjectives. A job well done bro. Really cool sound effects man. Enjoyed listening to this piece

    Ron Narcisse

  15. What a video! I wish my teachers at primary school were creative as you to produce these videos. This is a wonderful way to teach the content of the digestive system. The information is clear, vivid and looks real. I am very impressed. This is a piece that I will utilize with your permission to teach this content.
    Great work - master piece

    Soria Cornibert

  16. A very educative and detailed piece Shaq. What an entertaining way to teach students about the digestive system. Well crafted!

  17. This is a very good effort Shaquille. Hooray! You have come to the end of this journey.
